Friday, June 5, 2009

The Original Essay

Here's the first essay on this topic from Also because of the inherent stupidity of woman, it ran the topic we were initially discussing into the ground, which essentially proved the point I was trying to make in the first place. Enjoy.

There is GOOD reason why hives doesn't want women on this board. And I think their stupidity and vainess is just the tip of the iceberg. That's barely scratching the surface.
Let's dig deeper, shall we?
A "revelation" came to me the other day and it's all starting to make sense to me now.
The "science" of it all.
And it's this science that is being used and is what is at the root of the housing crisis, the economy failing, and shit just being fucked up in general.
To get to the truth of what a drug is, what's behind it's power and what makes it so potent, one need only look to one species for the answer...
The scientific "structure" of a woman I believe is at the root of how drugs such as cocaine and (how obvious) HEROIN(E) are formed. I think it's safe to conclude that the science of any drug is at it's root core based on the structure of the female species. Now, women, like drugs come in different grades. You have women who are flawlessly beautiful and perfect in every sense and will break a man down just at the mere sight of her. The more perfected the beauty, the more potency. Even when she's obviously psychotic and crazed, as a great percentage of them are now, a man will supersede any and all intelligence to chase and have some of her beauty. It happens all the time and it's at an epidemic stage right now.
To be a true man...a real man, you HAVE to be in control of two key things: YOUR MANHOOD and the WOMEN YOU COME IN CONTACT WITH. What do I mean by controlling your manhood? I mean ripping yourself away from your mommy and taking responsibility for yourself, fool.
The mother figure is nature's ultimate drug.
Read that again...
What does she do? What is her function? To take care of you and nurse you from an infant because you can't do it for yourself yet.
What is "childhood"?
An escape from reality.
Living in fantasyland!
You basically enjoy the fantasy for the first 12-14 years of your life. This is how nature has designed it.
So, you are basically born into the world on a drug...
...sucking on your mammie's titties!
What's the difference between breast milk and cocaine?
One is in liquid form, the other powder!
Are you starting to see what this is all about now?
The way nature has set this up, the idea is after about a decade, you're supposed to start weaning yourself off the drug.
You want to start knowing more about what's REALLY going on in the world.
You want to start learning about REALITY!
You start to rebel against the drug.
You want to get clean.
You want to get straight.
The only problem is there's another drug waiting for you right around the corner...
(this doesn't really apply to girls because I believe they inherently know this from the beginning, hence why we're always told girls are more "mature" than boys. It's already planted inside them from birth)
You escape one drug only to be confronted by an even more deadly potent one...GIRLS!
So basically, you're fucked again and strung out on the "drug".
Welcome to your new fantasyland!
But if nature put these tests and tricks out there, surely there must be a antedote for it, right?
Who's the one person who can steer you away and tell you how to get this habit under control?


In effect, your drug counselor.

There's always a ying for the yang. Nature will always balance it out so one situation catches the other.
Simple math made EXTREMELY COMPLEX for the fools of this world.
This is the science that has been used and is being used to this day to maximum effect. Whatever elements or molecules that make up the female "energy", the scientists have taken these same elements and broken them down, studied and harnessed them into the foundation of what is now termed a "drug".
Any of em...whether by needle, snort or pill, they all function to do the same thing.
To give you an escape. Be it mental or physical, it is an escape from dealing with reality.
For a man, this is all a woman is and has ever been. All the beauty, all the allure and all the sex.
It's the most potent drug you'll ever take in your life.

In the old days, REAL MEN knew this "drug" HAD to be controlled and not let out to just run rampant in the world. Other, more so-called primitive cultures still realize this and keep this rule strongly in effect.
In America, it's now null and void.
And the homosexual is just a perversion of all of this and should be treated as such. All the pleasures without any of the trappings that come with contending with this "drug" and trying to control it and keep it in check.
Manhood destroyed.
Once again, changing the rules to try and escape reality. Why do you think two women having sex seems more "natural" than two men? Because it's just THAT potent! Being inherently sexual beings, they can in essence, get away with it.
Now, the pimp is one of the ultimate controllers of this drug and has actually figured out how to manipulate and profit from it. Not an easy task but a true studied mastermind. He has conquered all elements and pitfalls of the "drug".
And because "men" today don't have a clue about how to do any of this or even a slither of inclination to want to do it...this is why everything in it's current state today is the way it is and is completely out of control.
Because if you know something is a potent drug and could be deadly, why would you give up any real control of yourself to it? It's the same question put to the crackhead...
To escape back to fantasyland.

Right back to Mammy's titty.

Sucki, sucki!

This is what the elite know and it is apart of their grand scheme to break down this "primitive" society and completely transcend them to a new order and ultimately a new, better species of man.
A more developed, intelligent man.
And it's like hives has said before, if you want to see how the plan begins, just look to black folks for the answer. They are the ultimate guinea pigs. Always have been.
The black man was emasculated a LONG time ago not so much by the white man, but by his own black woman. You lose control of her, you lose control of the race. And so it goes today across the board. Honky, nigger, gook, whatever. The male species in general has been completely emasculated and had his nuts cut off and handed to him in a jar. Which explains the beta-male orc who buys the $300,000 house on credit working the $$50,000 a year slave job which he already knows may not be in existence in the next year.
Because of that WOMAN!
Why would a man need any of that shit other than trying to "impress" a woman?
Let's look at your entertainment for a moment...

When did Tony Montana's obsession with geting rich kick into overdrive and when did he basically get stupid?
The minute the woman entered the picture.
What got Han Solo's ass frozen in carbonite?
Chasing the woman!
He was already on his way to see Jabba the Hut! Could've avoided that whole messed up situation.

Why did Jack die in Titantic?
Saving a woman and sitting in frozen water!
Moranic Epic Fail!
She goes on and lives to be 90. He sleeps as an ice cube at the bottom of the ocean.

Anakin Skywalker...nuff said!

Superman gave up his damn...oh the hell with it!

Sex in the City...Girls Gone Wild (goddamn drugs gone wild is more like it)

Look at any of them, it's all there in plain sight.

Women ARE the ultimate drug of this world.

She has destroyed more men and will make men murder for her or make a man commit murder on her.
Cleopatra anyone?
They haven't even figured out how to get cocaine and heroine to do that shit yet!
It is at the root of every single problem going on in this country and even the world right now today.
And she will be the root cause of our demise.
The very thing that brought us into this world will be the very thing that will take us out.
The ultimate drug.
An ultimate irony.


  1. there is truth in what you're saying, but drugs (women) are not to blame for man's addictions. if you don't want an addiction, don't take the drug. if you want to take the drug because it feels good but don't want to be controlled by it, well then controll your drug. do something.

  2. To be honest, men don't crave for sex like women do. Women will initiate sex first. ALWAYS! Not the other way around. This is why most women don't respond well to men who come onto to them aggressively. They look like dicks because the woman already realizes he has shown his hand. She knows he's addicted. They want a man who either KNOWS the right things to say, which is very tricky (pimp) or who acts coy, like he's not really interested, and that better not last too long because it will defeat the purpose of what she needs. Either way, she wants to be in control. Think about it.
    Most of the women I have been with came to me first. And the one I did chase was one of the worst relationships I ever had. EVER!
    Women crave sex all the time.
    Because they want to reproduce.
    But because the act of sex has been perverted into something that's recreational and "fun", it is now perceived that men are the sex fiends. Nothing could be further from the truth. Men are just weak to the sexual allure of women. If it wasn't there, they wouldn't pursue it. Here's the irony to all of this:
    Men are weak and women are stupid.
    This is what the elite have been using on the masses and like the sheep they are, they fall for it. Emotion is just another word for stupidity.
    Think about this:
    Why is it that 99% of black people in America don't own or control ANYTHING in their communities? Because they operate from an emotional center. Every decision, every move is made out of emotion, not logic. That is why they are the biggest consumers in the world, have the biggest random crime rates and reproduce at the highest rates. This economy will never truly fall apart as long as they have stupid balck people who will spend their last dime on junk. This is what they didn't have during the great depression. This is the great cushion, so to speak.
    Same thing with women. You say you fear men. Why? Because of your emotion. Fear is emotion. Stop being scared of men and you will have CONTROL of them. The only power they have is the power you gave to them. This is the same dynamic the pimp usues on the ho to keep her in check. The same dynamic the elite use on the sheep. It's all relative.
    If you know your place, then why be scared? Because you have been influenced to rebel. And any man who is abusing a woman is not a man but a PUNK with mommy issues. I've had this problem before and had to learn the hard way. But I LEARNED. Most men have done this to some degree or another because like I said, we are all fighting the most potent drug in existence...the MOTHER figure. It's the drug that will do the most absolute damage to both and woman alike. And it's the hardest one to kick and reject. Again, who is always talking about how much they love mama. Big Mama. I love my Mama? Black people and black men in particular.
    A black man's mother can be the most evil, venom spitting, honorey, dispicable person to walk the planet and he will still claim his utmost loyalty to her. Because THAT'S MY MAMA! I've seen it happen too many times. And I've seen these mama boys literally destroyed because of it. They can't be MEN.
    But a white man? That's an old joke in the black community too...white men will cuss their mothers out in a second. Will not hesistate. Because they are thinking and being logical and trying to escape what they recognize is quickly becoming an addiction. They yearn to assert their independance and will fight tooth and nail to get it.
    Men only crave sex because they're addicted to it. They'd rather be playing with rocks somewhere.
    Women enjoy sex because they're naturally inclined to. This is their natural disposition. Even a lesbian or fag is STILL thinking about sex. Especially the fag because why? He's now THINKING like a woman!

  3. No problem dj. I'm glad you get where I'm going with this. Sorry for the delay in response.

    Lady Anon...well...she will be taken care of.
    All good things come in time. :)
