Thursday, June 11, 2009

Exctasy...When you're right here next to me!

Did you know that the drug exctasy was originally called "Empathy"? It also was originally "designed" by legitimate chemists for use in psycho therapy sessions for COUPLES! To help them interact with each other better. It also was called...get this...THE LOVE DRUG!

To be empathetic is to "have the capability to share your feelings and understand another's emotion and feelings".

Now who do you think THIS drug was REALLY designed for?

Only after these same chemists (being greedy) released it into the streets to the general public did it become illegal. When it started showing up in clubs and bars. It actually started outselling the drinks and only when people started turning up dead from it when it was not monitored properly did it become what we know it as today.

The pimp (drug dealer) couldn't keep his hoes (the pills) in check.

The rest is history.

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