Friday, June 26, 2009

MJ WARNED you in '82

The first really huge hit for Micheal Jackson was a cute little song called "Billie Jean". It's one of his best known songs the world over. One of many, but definitely one of the top three of all time. One of the most potent things about the "Thriller" album as a whole was the fact that as many times as most people listened to it, you could ask the average sheep what was the meanings behind ANY of the songs and none of them could probably tell you. I mean most people can't even tell you what the lyrics to "Human Nature" were, much less tell you what it meant, but they LOVE that song!

The song "Billie Jean" is interesting for a few reasons because it was the first song that tackled an actual subject...getting a woman pregnant. It was a dramatic departure from such light fare as "Rock wit you" and "Off the Wall". "She's out of my Life" was starting to head into this territory of love gone wrong, but "Billie Jean" was it's explosion. This wasn't even a love song, yet it was about a relationship. It wasn't really a dance song either. When you think about it, "Billie Jean" really couldn't be classified as anything but "different". The one thing you could call it was "angry". This was a song about a MAN being done up by a FEMALE. And how he was going to FIGHT BACK! This is no accident that the song that put Micheal Jackson on the worldwide map was about dealing with the after effects of the drug of WOMAN.

Right now as I'm writing this, they're STILL awaiting (after two postphonements in two hours) the results of his autopsy. I can almost guarantee that the results of his "death" will be because of DRUGS.

Micheal wasn't on drugs, but he is TRYING to show through his benevolancy and by example, how utterly stupid it is to DO drugs. He has shown you, using HIMSELF as a visual demonstration, the damage that drugs will do. You think the sheeple picked up on this?

Hell to the NAW!

And to go off track for a moment, when did they start calling Tom Cruise "crazy"? Yeah, the Oprah thing was the beginning, but when did they REALLY start throwing tomatoes? After Tom went on the "Today" show and DENOUNCED the use of prescription drugs! That's when he officially became a "kook".

When Micheal said recently at his last press conference,
"I love you. I really do. You MUST know I love you."
He really meant that, but not the way the dumbass sheep think. He realizes it's too late to save them and like "Jesus", it's time to check out.

"Forgive them, Lord. For they do not know what they do!"

There's nothing more that can be done for them.

He WARNED you fools about DRUGS and the DRUG OF WOMAN 28 years ago!
Truly Mike, may you REST IN PEACE.
You tried to "save" them, but couldn't.
UPDATE: They have delayed the results of his autopsy for another four to five weeks, after just saying yesterday they would be quick and to the point on it. Go figure. Duping the pubics once again.


  1. djhives said women are parasite. I looked at my mom and it was true.... no matter how hard it was for me to accept it doesn't matter cause that is the truth.... so sick~~~ hahahahaahahaha~~~ for me, I see a lot of young guys or friends try to impress a girl~~ you know some people get in debt to impress a girl with his big car and half a million condo........... my head is dizzying~~~~ I checked out the lyrics of Billie Jean, you are right~ he was warning about this...... hahahahaha~~ I don't know if you agree with this. but I think women are more addictive than real drug.......... maybe not~ ahahahah any way thanks for article, I will visit this blog everyday~~~ hahaha~

  2. dj, sorry I haven't been reading the posts here. And also my apologies for not posting more. But trust and believe, hang around and keep checking in. It's going to much BETTER! I have some stuff coming soon that is gonna blow your MIND!
    You are right on track...Women ARE far more powerful and potent than actual drugs. Where do you think it originated from?
