Friday, June 5, 2009

It's Time to Make Things Right Again!

I've had this blog up for quite some time now and it sat empty because to be honest, I couldn't come up with anything that i deemed worthy of discussing at length. My feeling was if I'm going to start a blog, it better be about something important. Something worth sitting up for any length of time and writing about. A topic I can go at consistantly and come up with consistant results. I hadn't found that topic. I'd been searching and thinking on it for some time and then happened!

By trade I am a screenwriter, which means I know a little something about the movies. I study movies. It is my true passion in life. But there was also something else that I've discovered I also have a passion about. I've had it all my life and didn't even realize it because I didn't have the information necessary to dissect it effectively. Well, now I feel I do. And it really came to light about a week ago at Those who know about hives know, those who don't...well, you'll have to make your own discovery like I did and hopefully, you will become enlightened like I did with the TRUE knowledge he offers. But your mind has to be ready to recieve the truth. If you are a moron, no amount of conditioning will help you.

So, in my pursuit to evlauate a topic that I felt I had this epiphany about last week, I went through and made my points and drew my parallels. Afterwards, the very thing I was trying to discuss reared it's ugly head onto the blog and almost drug a very intelligent discussion into the shitter. It literally degenarated in front of my own eyes.

What could possibly have done this you ask?

There's only one being that has the power to cause this kind of mayhem and destruction. Only one species that can drag you down into the depths of hell...


So, after writing this essay at, I checked out a movie later on that night and then some more movies during that week and what I discovered was that what I was talking about in the essay and this sudden enlightenment I had experienced was corrolating with the movies I was watching. Movies that I had been watching for years suddenly took on new and expansive meaning. They now made more sense. They became simplified in their structure. Things that appeared as riddles because of the female dynamic now became plain. Movies that may have even seemed bad upon initial viewings suddenly were watchable and even enjoyable. The confluence of both of these pursuits were coming together to form a significant zenith.

I've always felt that the great riddles of life have always been answered through the movies. But now, through this blog, I'm going to show you through examples of different, various films I've watched and studied, just how strongly the female dynamic plays in all of this. If any story is going to have any kind of merit, it has to include this dynamic in some form or fashion. The rules of storytelling demand it. It IS the nature of the animal.

I mean every conflict, every struggle, every ripple, every fight is at it's root caused or initiated by dealing with a female.

From the bible to today's latest movie to the book you're reading right now, any story that works and definitely the great ones that work all have a female dynamic at it's center.
And to show you just how strong and potent the female component is, even a story WITHOUT a female dynamic still at it's center has a female dynamic! I'll explain that in detail later.

In the initial essay, my revelation basically made the significant connection between how the female operates and how drugs operate in our culture and how they are basically one and the same. Pills, alcohol, cocaine, cigarettes, you name it. So much so, I feel the very basis and concept of drugs is derived from the female.

In examining this angle, I would also like to recapture and discuss the concept of manhood and what it means to be a TRUE man. I feel the masses have allowed themselves to be duped so much to the point that the true meaning of what it means to be a male and what it means to be a female has been lost in a void. We truly are now living in the "Land of the Lost". And this is not about simply trying to bash women or put them down. What I'm dealing with here is FACT! Trust and believe I wouldn't go in-depth about this if I didn't have my research and facts straight. And any women who come here to try and bash what I say will be rung hollow because I believe most women in fact know this and just try to hide it or are in denial of it. At any rate, based on what I now know, their argument will instantly collapse. And as I will show through the motion picture, I'll be able to prove these points even more effectively.

So, to those who dig the movies and realize that there's much more than what you see on the surface, this blog is for you.
To those who want to reclaim what it means to be a real MAN and not some slob or spike TV fake emo fag, this blog is also for you.

And to all the intelligencia over at, welcome and I hope I can live up to a little of what hives offer.


  1. you are right. i almost killed that intellectual discussion. won't do it again. i'm sorry if it made you angry.

    you are right again. scarlet o'hara almost destroyed rhett butler.

  2. I "cautiously" accept your apology.

    I thought about this and I decided I'm gonna work with you Lady Anon because I can see you crave guidance. You want a REAL man to talk to you and school you on how to be a REAL woman. What is expected of a REAL woman.
    I'm not being chauvinistic. I'm stating facts.
    It is what it is.
    To stay true to what I'm talking about, I'm not going to reject you...not yet anyways. Hives doesn't want to be bothered with women and I understand his position, but in order for me to be true to the specific themes I'm tackling on this blog, I would have to deal with you head on.
    There may be some potential for you yet if you really want it. But be advised, if you pull any of that shit you pulled over at, you will be dismissed without hesistation.
    I simply have no time for stupidity anymore.
    Now, you can act like 99% of the female population today (stupid) and get angry and blow out some feminist bullshit, or you can be the 1% and LISTEN to what I have to say and get the TRUTH and become an enlightened female with REAL power.
    Every female who has ever had any REAL power in this world realizes she needs to defer to a man. It's not a weakness, but a strength.
    Her power, so potent,if left uncontrolled and unchecked can mean disaster. It has happened many times already throughout history...
    since the very "beginning".
    Men are logical, women are emotional. One HAS to reign in the other. It's simple math. The woman with REAL power KNOWS her position. I never understood why a woman would WANT to step outside of her position as powerful as it already is. Only retards want to be what they're not naturally inclined to be.
    I believe you yearn to be what is NATURAL.
    But on my turf, I demand respect and control. If you can give me that, then it will be returned to you tenfold. Trust and believe.

    The choice is up to you.

  3. how powerful is a woman's position?

    to respect a man and let him control you is not something i identify with power. or is it?

  4. So, if I don't control you. Then what? We'll have another situation like the one we had at hives place. It's not so much control as it is guidance. I really can't control a woman. I can't control what I'm weak to. But I can surely GUIDE her in the right direction and keep her from destroying the room. See, and you only need to respect what respects you. PERIOD! Real pimps don't abuse what gives them power in the first place unless absolutely necessary. They don't have to. The girls who last in that game know how to treat their man and they're the BEST at it. It will always be about respect.
    If I go to talking too crazy, trust and believe, any respect you have for me will quickly dissapate. Like how you treat those other goofballs at the site. You're here now and you apologized because you respect me. And I respect you more because you apologized. That took a lot to do that. I don't know many females that would have. You just may become my bottom girl yet. :P
